Veterinarian Dr. Vincent Schroeder
The practice
Veterinarian Dr. Vincent Schroeder is from a family of racing pigeon breeders and successfully competes with his father (✝2016) at long distance races. In 1994 he began his studies at the University of Liège and in 2000 he received his degree as a doctor of veterinary medicine. Between 2002 and 2006, he expanded his extensive expertise in pigeon supplys and racing pigeon medicine through collaboration with Dr. Peeters in Belgium.
Johannes Jakobs
By profession, Johannes Jakobs is a trained bank official. However, for some 15 years he was employed as a sales director in the pharmaceutical industry and, for several of those years, dealt with veterinarians. There is not a powder or liquide mixture unknown to him. In 2001, with the purchase of Tollisan, he took the path of selfemployment within the racing pigeon sport. The distribution of Dosto-Oregano products and the PS Prange soup were further steps in the development of the Tollisan brand name.
Worldwide shipping
Medically tested
The best out of nature
Successes in breeding and racing
Experts in racing pigeon sport
Competent service