Nano Power Tabs


Conținut: 100 de tablete

  • aminoacizi


We can now also offer our customers our new highlight Nano Tollyamin – a whey protein hydrolysate – in the form of tablets for pigeons. The new Nano Power Tabs have a protein content of 50 %. Amazing!

This gives you the opportunity to give your pigeons an extra protein bomb on the day of basketing. Suitable for short and medium distances, but especially for long distance flights. Unimagined possibilities open up for your pigeons with these tablets. Even late pigeons have a chance of being fit and in shape again in time for the next flight by administering this protein bomb in hydrolysed form on their return. Individual breeding females that are affected by repeated laying and feeding of young pigeons in the breeding loft can be regenerated with Nano Power Tabs.

Nano Power Tabs therefore offer a wide range of possibilities for your pigeons.


1 comprimat înainte de coș și în ziua returnării


Compoziție: Proteină din zer, lactoză, dextroză, maltodextrină.
Constituenți analitici: Proteină brută 50,3%, fibre brute 0,0%, grăsime brută 5,1%, cenușă brută 1,8%, lizină 4,71%, metionină 1,35%, sodiu 1,38%, umiditate 3,0%.
Aditivi per kg: Aditivi senzoriali:
Substanțe aromatizante care îmbunătățesc mirosul sau gustul furajelor:
(2b17002) L-Alanină 400mg
(2b17008) L-histidină 5000mg
(2b17018) L-fenilalanină 5080mg


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Informații suplimentare

Greutate 0,100 kg
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